
For the "Almost there" draft or live website

Website Copy Audits

You're great at what you do, but talking about and selling it is a whole other story -

But no matter how hard you try and want to get it right, you can't quite find the words or flow to make it all come together...

So instead, you end up constantly (and maybe just a liiiiittle obsessively?) tweaking, editing, and generally grumbling about your website over. and over. and over - without any results to show for it, until now.

Which is *exactly* why you're trying to rewrite your website and have it do the selling *for* you.

Because not only do you deserve the inquiries and revenue that follow when your website copy says *exactly* what your readers need to hear -

You *also* deserve to get it done quickly and on a budget, so you can get your website off your shoulders (and your neverending to-do list).

Let's finally get it right with your copy edits, so you can... stop making copy edits, and finally feel at home with your website.


Put down your draft

Website Copy Audit

Finally press "publish" on your website with the confidence that it's reviewed and edited to perfection - and that you won't feel the need to constantly circle back for "just another little tweak."

  • Website copy audit for your website or sales page
  • For live websites: A walkthrough video (with captions/transcript) with all of my notes.
  • For draft docs: Comments and changes made directly in your doc + a walkthrough video for context.
  • Email support for up to a week while you make changes!
  • A final proofread after you edit.

What's included


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How Your Website Copy Audit Works


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Book Your Audit

Inquire here to book your audit, and I'll send everything you need to secure your spot! After you book, you'll be redirected to a few questions to answer about your website/sales page (including sharing the link with me). Your website copy audit will be delivered within 7 days!

02 / 03

Review Your Edits

If you linked a doc, you'll receive comments/edits directly inside it (in addition to a video walkthrough). For a live website, you'll receive a detailed video walkthrough (with transcript). Either way, you've got a full week of email support for questions & clarification!

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Final Walkthrough

If you'd like to book a face-to-face call for help making your edits, you can add it onto your audit! Whether you're editing on your own or live with me, I'll give your full project a final glance to ensure it's absolute perfection before you publish changes.

Frequently Asked Questions

about the website copy audit

Although the audit is primarily focused on the most impactful changes we can make in a short period of time to increase your website performance (AKA, the copy) - I'll also give you any notes on design or ease of use I think would significantly improve the whole thing.

Nope! That's the beauty of the website copy audit - you can bring me any website you want feedback on, and I'll go through it all. Great website strategy is universal, which means I can help improve your website no matter where it's built or hosted.

I love chatting with small business owners about their website copy, design, strategy, email marketing, offer development... I could go on, but I'll save it for our Strategy Hour. 

Get it off your chest & get it off your desk.

Inquire now

Book your website Copy audit

This time next week, you could be  doing anything but worrying about where your next clients are coming from - because your website copy will be handling it for you.

Want me to write it for you instead?

If you need more of a redo instead of a refresh, it's time to hand your website copy over to me - I'll start from scratch and write a website that not only sounds like you, but says *exactly* what your dream clients need to hear to press "inquire" with enthusiasm.

Inquire Now →