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Some of you might know (especially if we’re Instagram friends!), but I have two toddlers aged two and under. It’s a wild time, and also super fun. Also also, it does make starting and running a business a little tricky – so I love to share when I find great things that save my life […]
If there’s one thing I’ve learned as I grow my business while remaining a stay-at-home parent, it’s this: simplifying is everything. It was a huge adjustment when I left my full-time corporate job to stay home with my 9-month-old (and the second baby in my belly!), and I’d say it took months to find our […]
Is it an About section cliché to tell you I'm so glad you're here? Yes. Is it true? Also yes.
If you're a wellness provider (think: PT, OT, RD, LCSW) with a new or growing private practice - pull up a chair and get comfy. Through elevated design and compelling copy, I help wellness pros transform their sites into conversion-focused online spaces that feel like them & speak to their dream clients.
more about amy
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DIY an elevated website in weeks days with an SEO-friendly website template designed specifically for private practices.