*new site loading* the new hello & co website will launch in july - bear with us while things get a little messy! (ironic, right?)

An Organic, Inviting Brand & Website for a Dietitian


Today, we’re celebrating the launch of Good Body Nutrition’s new branding and website! I actually know Shelby through my dietitian days, when we worked in eating disorder care together, so it was an absolute joy to work with her on this project. We took Shelby's branding from DIY-ed to designer, and restructured her website to make it clear, beautiful, and ready to work hard for her!

About the Project

Business: Good Body Nutrition is a St. Louis-based dietitian practice specializing in helping women heal their relationship with food and their bodies.

Project: Brand Identity + Website Design

Website Platform: Squarespace

Note: We have since changed our platform offerings and all new Hello & Co websites are built on Showit! Email Amy for more information about this transition.

The Brand

Shelby wanted a site and branding that felt more cohesive and professional, plus performed better on mobile. She still wanted to maintain some visual softness and the diverse representation of bodies in her images. Her final brand is soft, welcoming, and professional with a sage green and lilac-mauve palette.

The Website

Like basically every new practice owner I've spoken to, Shelby is a wonderful dietitian and also had no idea what to put on her private practice's website! This is where hiring a pro comes in handy – did you know that 92% of website users aren't actually ready to become clients/customers the first time they visit a website? (Source)

This means a dietitian website has a BIG role to play: helping potential clients become ready to become your current clients. Having site that clearly captures your nutrition philosophy, conveys who you are as a practitioner, and gives people a clear way to take action on next steps.

Want more ideas? Here's what every therapist & dietitian website needs to have!

Shelby's new website helps capture her personality, welcomes potential clients in, and starts building rapport right from the homepage. I'm so delighted to have helped make this project come to life!

You can view Shelby's finished dietitian website at Good Body Nutrition.

Introduce yourself with words to 

Download The Bestie Bio, a free guide that will reveal the four essential components to an audience-winning About page that will have your website visitors wondering just how fast they can book with you.

win them over.

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