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About The Email Welcome Sequence: Why You Need One + What To Include

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Website copywriter & messaging architect

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Some marketing questions I can answer with nuance – and “should I have an email welcome sequence?” isn’t one of them.

Because if you have an email list for your business, you absolutely should have a welcome sequence to help your subscribers get to know you (and eventually, become your clients/customers). 

Welcome sequences also help subscribers warm up to you – just like you wouldn’t dive *straight* into sprinting without stretching, you wouldn’t hard pitch someone who doesn’t even know who you are or what you do.

Enter: the email welcome sequence.

What is an email welcome sequence?

Simply put: An email welcome sequence is a string of emails you receive after joining someone’s email list (whether it’s through signing up for their newsletter directly, or giving them your email in exchange for a free resource).

It’s how you warm up your audience, get to know them (or more accurately, let them get to know you) after you “meet,” and help them remember who you are.

Because let’s be real – you’re going to remember way more about the other parent you chat to at school pickup every day than the one you met one time at the class holiday party.

TL;DR: Emailing new subscribers more frequently at first helps you 1) say everything you need to say to introduce yourself, and 2) help them start to remember who you are (no, really – it’s science).

How do I get people into my email welcome sequence?

Usually, people will enter your welcome sequence in one of two ways:

  1. By subscribing directly to your newsletter or email list, or
  2. By downloading a free resource (lead magnet) of yours 

From there, you can set up your email marketing software to automatically send your welcome sequence emails at set intervals.

If people already have my freebie, do I really need a welcome sequence?

Yes, you absolutely do – and here’s why:

Not everyone who ends up on your email list knows who you are.

I can guarantee you’ve downloaded random freebies just to get the resource (same), and your subscribers are no different – so while your lead magnet may have gotten them onto your list, your welcome sequence ensures they (and you) get something more out of it.

Your email welcome sequence is also one of the only opportunities you have to make such a planned, sequential sales pitch to someone in your audience. If they made it to your list, you know they already like your content – and now, you have the opportunity to earn their deeper trust (and eventually, their money) directly in their inbox.

How many emails should be in a welcome sequence/series?

The “right” number depends on your brand, your audience, and what you want your email welcome sequence to do for your business.

I’m putting “right” in parentheses because frankly, I don’t think there *is* a magic number here – 

But if you email your list via a newsletter or other structure frequently, you may not need or want as many emails in your welcome sequence as someone who only uses their list monthly.

That being said, if you need hard and fast numbers (hi, it’s me), a typical email welcome sequence has about 4-6 emails!

What should my email welcome sequence include?

The order and depth of these topics can vary based on your goals and plan for your email welcome sequence, but you can include things like:

  • An introduction to you/your brand
  • An introduction to your services/offer
  • An additional freebie or support/advice
  • More content subscribers might find helpful (links to blog posts, etc)
  • A direct call to action to your services/offer

Usually, sequences will start with lighter, more introductory content before getting into the offer/sales emails later in the sequence.

How should I space my scheduled welcome sequence emails?

When I write email sequences for clients, I recommend scheduling emails no more than 1-2 days apart (so you stay at the top of your subscribers’ minds as they’re getting to know you).

Need to pick a platform to send your emails from?

The two most popular options for online service providers are Flodesk & Convertkit (Kit) – read my breakdown of which one will work for you here!

Welcome to Hello & Co! I'm Amy Hanneke, website strategist & copywriter on a mission to make your small business marketing simple & soulful. Beyond the blog, here's where to find me:

>> Subscribe to my newsletter, The Rough Draft, where I send you an (actually helpful, not overwhelming) website tip each Thursday morning.

>> Hire me to write your website copy (or email sequence, or blog posts, or… anything you're doing, really).

>> Hang with me on Threads, where I'm much funnier than Instagram.

>> Browse more blog posts for tips, tricks, and tutorials to make your website do your work for you.

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Messaging architect & website copywriter

I make it ridiculously easy for business owners to book out their services from their own websites, through copywriting backed by website strategy.

If putting substance behind your marketing strategy is your goal, then highly relatable conversion copy is what you need (and I’d love to be the one to write it for you).

Hi! I'm Amy -

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