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September 2023 Goals | Behind-The-Scenes of My Powersheets


Cultivate What Matters powersheets goal planner on pink background

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All-inclusive Showit website designer & copywriter here to help you hand over the marketing busy work to your website + finally see results.

Hi! I'm Amy.

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I can't believe it's already September! I spent most of 2022 in a pregnancy-and-newborn induced haze, so this year really feels like it's FLYING by. I also have found myself still mentally and emotionally recovering from the past three years (pandemic + parenthood x 2 + open heart surgery x 2 for my oldest), and more recently craving things that make me feel like myself.

Enter: Powersheets. I've been a longtime Powersheets user (I think my first set was in 2014 or so!) and took a break during the height of the pandemic because frankly, my goal was “survive this crazy season.” Recently, I grabbed a 2023 set of Powersheets on clearance since it was halfway through the year, and it's been so fun to reconnect with a reflective, strategic part of myself.

Image from Cultivate What Matters

I'm naturally a big goal setter (I blame the enneagram 3) and am often making plans, looking to the future, and finding something to do. It's been really interesting and healing to watch my relationship with goal setting become more holistic and helpful as I've integrated more groundedness into my life through intuitive eating, joyful movement, and just generally settling into parenthood!

In past years, you would have found me using my goal planner to cram in as much stuff as possible – always doing, always going, always moving. Now, it's actually a way to gain clarity on the goals that matter and to set some aside. I'm saving the topic of productivity in parenthood for another day because it's a big one, but wanted to share the things I've decided matter the absolute most for this month of September!

Monthly Goals

This month, I'm hoping to…

  • Launch one website (I currently have two launches scheduled for October, but wouldn't be surprised if one moved up! Either way, finishing these projects is a priority!)
  • Kick off two more scheduled projects
  • Finish designing the Showit website templates that will be launched in a few months!
  • Onboard my beta testers for the template shop!

Weekly Action Items/Rhythms

  • Complete “Tending List Tuesday” each week where I check in with my goals and a higher-level overview of what I'm working on!
  • Organize and update my bookkeeping
  • Have a phone-free date night in with my husband
  • Meal plan & grocery shop (I've been flying by the seat of my pants with this lately and it's going NOT GREAT. I just signed up for a round of the Pinch of Yum fall meal plan to help!)
  • Move my body with intention a few times per week, specifically for postpartum rehab purposes! PS – highly, highly recommend to all newly postpartum people to check out a pelvic floor physical therapist to help guide your rehab!

Daily Action Items/Habits

  • Take vitamins (I was fantastic about this for two pregnancies and am hoping to make it a habit again!)
  • Put my phone down at 9pm & charge it away from my bed
  • Avoid Target (yes, this is a real goal – my chiropractor is next to a Target and it's been…problematic 😂 so I'm going to take a little break from it and include essentials like diapers, etc. in our Walmart grocery pickup!)

I'm hoping to make this goal roundup a monthly thing, so check back in early October for how these went + what I'm up to next!

Hi, I'm Amy - multi-hyphenate website designer for multi-hyphenate business owners.

Is it an About section cliché to tell you I'm so glad you're here? Yes. Is it true? Also yes.

Pull up a chair and get comfy, k? Through elevated design and compelling copy, I help online service providers transform their sites into conversion-focused online spaces that feel like them & speak to their dream clients. 

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